Lia’s mom knew something was off. A naturally sweet and compliant child, Lia’s responsiveness was nevertheless well behind that of her peers. When someone suggested she be tested for hearing loss, everything fell into place: Lia couldn’t hear. As Lia’s mom now knows, the diagnosis was just the beginning. Shortly thereafter, they found out Lia would need hearing aids – which weren’t covered by the family’s insurance. Hearing aids range in price from around $1,000 to over $4,000 for one ear, and most hard-of-hearing individuals generally require two.
Once her audiologist determined that Lia would need a BAHA (bone-anchored hearing aid) in each ear, Lia’s mom knew the family would need help. She reached out to Tanya McConnell of 20/20 Hearing, who directed her to the Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation (“The Lighthouse”), and within weeks, Lia was approved to receive hearing aids at a dramatically reduced rate via the Lighthouse’s pediatric hearing aid program – Sound Waves.
Sound Waves, launched earlier this year with funding from the Georgia Public Service Commission, serves Georgians from birth through age 19 in the acquisition of hearing aids. In partnership with audiologists around the state, the program serves Georgia’s uninsured and underinsured kids by providing hearing aids at a very deep discount, which varies from family to family.
“Two to three kids in every thousand are born with hearing loss – most of the time to parents with normal hearing,” said Liz Routh, director of hearing programs at The Lighthouse. “Sound Waves exists to keep financial barriers from getting kids with hearing loss the hearing aids they need to grow, develop, and interact meaningfully with others.”
If your child has hearing loss and you are experiencing financial difficulties, we encourage you to submit an application for Sound Waves services. Approval is dependent upon satisfactory evidence of need and residence. To apply, visit, download an application, and mail the completed form, along with all required documents, to the Georgia Lions Lighthouse Foundation, 5582 Peachtree Rd. Atlanta, Georgia 30341. Call The Lighthouse at (404) 325-3630 with any questions.
Sound Waves FAQ
Where can I apply for Sound Waves?
Visit to download and print an application.
What are the income requirements for Sound Waves applicants?
Successful applicants fall at or below 400% of the federal poverty guidelines. Pay stubs, bank records, and tax transcripts may be required as part of the application.
How long does will it take to process my application?
Please allow 2-4 weeks for processing. If at any time during the process we require additional information, we will notify you immediately.
Does The Lighthouse pay for hearing tests?
Is Sound Waves free? Is there a copay?
Sound Waves services are not free. All approved applicants will be required to pay some amount; the exact number is based on a sliding scale.
Can I apply online or send my application via email?
No. At this time, we require all Sound Waves applications to be physically mailed.