
Do Your Kids Need a Post-Holiday Detox?....Mine Totally Does!

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January 13, 2018

During the holidays, my son did too much: 1. He ate too much sugar; 2) He drank too many sweet drinks like juice, soda, eggnog, hot cocoa, etc.; and 3. He got too little sleep. So, by the time the holidays were all said and done, and he was heading back to school on Tuesday, he was tired and feeling heavy. We tried a family detox, but it did not work. After two days of eating vegetable soup, we were all weak and very hungry, to put it mildly. I am quite certain that he needs a post-holiday detox, but this time, I am going to follow the lead of a professional – the holistic mama doc – Elisa Song, MD who says that kids can and should detox. According to Dr. Song, there are ways to detox kids safely. Our kids live in a toxic world, and they are exposed to toxins starting from within the womb. Toxins exist in the food they eat, in the water they drink, in the air they breathe, in the classrooms they learn in, and in the homes that they live in. More than 1 in 2 kids has a chronic illness, and the major underlying root cause is TOXICITY.

“By learning how to safely and gently detox our kids, we CAN reverse and heal their chronic illness,” says Dr. Song. Coming January 29-February 5, Dr. Song will be one of 35 experts talking about how toxins affect kids and adults, hidden sources of toxins that you might not have known about, and how to safely detox our kids and ourselves from heavy metals and other toxic exposures so we can all THRIVE – body, mind & spirit! You can sign up here for this free online conference, Heavy Metals Summit.

DON’T MISS OUT on these 3 incredible talks specifically for all mamas and papas dedicated to helping their kids thrive naturally:


·        Elisa Song, MD): Our Toxic Kids – What We Can Do to Heal Chronic Illness in Our Kids

·        Julie Matthews, BS, NC – How Do Heavy Metals Affect Children With Autism?

·        Erin Elizabeth – Toxic Metals in Vaccines