Anticipating a natural disaster is overwhelming. With so many things to do to ensure that your family has all the essential items for survival, it is easy to neglect items traditionally deemed unnecessary. But let’s be honest, children get bored and because they may not understand the severity of conditions, a hard time can become even more stressful when the kids have nothing to do. If evacuation is necessary, you may be away from your home for a few days or even weeks so you should consider taking along things to help keep the whole family at ease – at least temporarily. The Red Cross advises you to pack at least 3 days’ worth of food and water, so we have compiled two 72-hour kit checklists with items you can include to help pass the time. Items within these kits can be interchangeable between parents and kids (i.e., no matches for kids).
Fun kit for kids (pack in a small storage box or backpack)
· Coloring book or sketch pad
· Crayons, markers, & pencils
· Notebook or Journal
· Book
· Deck of cards
· Play-doh
· Crossword Puzzle Book
· A small toy (i.e., fidget spinner or cube, handheld game)
· Comfort foods of your choice (candy, fruit snacks, flavored water packs, hot cocoa packets, tea bags)
Comfort kit for parents (pack in a small storage box, duffle bag or backpack)
· Warm blanket and/or socks
· Shampoo
· Loofa glove or sponge and favorite body wash or soap
· Soothing lotion or massage oil and/or a lavender sachet to help you sleep
· Candle and matches
· Journal or notebook
· Pen, pencil, crayons, markers
· Adult coloring book
· Book or magazine
· Small photo album or memorable family photos
· Comfort foods of your choice (candy, fruit snacks, flavored water packs, hot cocoa packets, tea bags)